And that is how it is in the real world: as we grow and change and life takes it toll, some of the things that matter most to us will endure, others will fall away and new ones will come in their place. But as life becomes difficult, each of these in turns threatens to crumble. But then without much warning, the family moves to San Francisco. Riley’s personality is represented by a series of islands that reflect what matters most to her: friendship, honesty, family, goofiness and hockey. Inside Out revolves around Riley (voiced Kaitlyn Dias), an eleven-year-old girl. What the film also shows is that each of these parts is impermanent. This, however, is just the first crack at the myth of the enduring, unified self. You are simply how it all comes together, the sum of your psychic parts. But it is made up of various different, often competing impulses.
Your brain is not a little world full of anthropomorphic creatures, of course.

The first of these is that there isn’t actually a single, unified you at all. The movie is all about seeing your emotions as characters. It is one of the best movies I have ever seen. When I watched it I wanted to jump into it myself This is a mind-blowing concept and I was able to relate it to the real world (myself). Lots of stuff goes on in an 11 year old kid’s heart and mind and emotions. My niece is an 11 year old girl and is as sweet as the day is long, but I can see her transition from little girl to teenager. But, albeit in schematic and simplified form, the film also reflects some of the most important truths about what it means to be an individual person. Inside out is an animated movie meant for kids of the 10-12 age group. / Pixar’s Inside Out Family Movie Moms Review.